Branches of Physics

Physics is the study of nature. we are divided physics based on time, two main parts. Up to 1900 AD physics laws and theories is considered as a CLASSICAL PHYSICS. After 1900 AD or 20th century physics laws and theories is considered as a MODERN PHYSICS. 

Isaac Newton

Father of classical physics is SIR ISAAC NEWTON was born on Christmas day, 25 December 1642. He has completed education in University of Cambridge, Royal Society and Royal Mint.He was explained in physics   "Laws of Motion", "Universal Law of Gravitation" and "Optics". He was famous  law of Gravitation  and Newton's  laws of Motion. He was explained Natural philosophy, Alchemy, Theology, Mathematics,  Astronomy and Economics also.                                                         C.P. has classified based on different concepts. These are 1.Mechanics
                   3.Sound and Wave Motion
                   4.Heat and Thermodynamics

Classical Physics was developed by so many scientists.
                     Important scientists images          

                       Isaac Newton(1643-1727)


                    Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)
Niels bohr

               Niels Bohr(1885-1962)

                James Clerk Maxwell (1831-79)

                   Michael Faraday(1791-1867)

Classical Physics is divided sub branches .
These are 
1.Mechanics:It is sub branch of Classical Physics. It is the study of moving bodies and stationary bodies in a macroscopic system. It is also classified based on concepts two main parts.
These are: 1.Statics
2.Optics: It is the study of light (properties of light, transmission of light and applications of light).It is also classified based on nature of light two main parts.
These are:1. Geometrical Optics (Ray Optics)
                   2.Physical Optics(Wave Optics) 
3.Sound: It is the study of properties of sound, production of sound, transmission of sound waves and application of sound.
3.Thermodynamics:It is the study of heat and the relation between heat and other forms of energy.
4.Electro-Magnetism:It is the study of relation between electric and magnetic fields(how electric current produces magnetic field and how magnets produces electricity) and properties of electromagnetic radiation.



Father of modern physics is ALBERT EINSTEIN was born 14 March 1879 in German. He have completed education  Federal Polytechnic School and University  of Zurich(PhD). He was explained  General relativity, Special theory of relativity, Photoelectric effect,  Mass-Energy equilance, Plank-Einstein relation, Theory of Brownian motion, Einstein field equations,  Bose-Einstein Statistics, Bose-Condensate, Gravitational wave, Cosmological constant,  Unified field Theory and EPR paradox etc. He was famous  Special  theory of relativity, mass-energy and Photoelectric effect.
M.P. has classified based on different concepts. These are:
                   1.Atomic Physics
                   2.Nuclear Physics
                   3.Quantum Physics
                   4.Theory of Relativity
                   5.Cosmology and Space Exploration
                   6.Mesoscopic Physics

Modern Physics has been developing for last 119 years. It's developed by so many scientists. It's branches are

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Max Plank(1858-1947)


Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar(1910-1995)


Stephen William Hawking(1942-2018)

Paul Dirac(1902-1984)


Ernest Walton(1903-1995)

Lawrence Bragg(1890-1971)

Niels Bohr(1885-1962)

Aage Bohr(1922-2009)

Carl Anderson(1905-1991)

Abdus Salam(1926-1996)

1.Atomic Physics: It's the study of atom, an isolated system of electrons and atomic nuclei. 
2.Nuclear Physics:It's the study of nucleus and the interaction of the nucleus particles. 
3.Quantum Physics:It's the study of moving and stationary bodies in microscopic system. Here bodies in microscopic system is electrons, nuclear particles, subatomic particles, atoms and molecules.
4.Theory of Relativity:The theory of relativity usually encompasses two inter related theories by Albert Einstein: Special relativity and General relativity. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation  and it's relation to other forces of nature.
5.Cosmology:It's  the study of the origin, evolution and eventual fate of the universe.
6.Mesoscopic Physics:It's the study of a subdispline of condensed matter physics that deals with materials of an intermediate length. These materials range in size between the nanoscale for a quantity of atoms and materials measuring micrometres.



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