How to understand physics

Everyone read physics concepts ,but few members don't  understand and few members understand very easily. What is difference between this two category members? 

     Let's  i explain about these two category members. Few members are not observe surroundings scientifically, they are only see normally means one tree leafs move to and fro. They are observed, leafs are moving that only. Few members are understand very easily, because they are see surroundings scientifically, that means one tree leafs move to and fro. They are do so many questions themselves,  why are leaves  moving ? They will get idea due to air. What is air? again. Air is a mass.what is mass ? Mass is the amount  of matter contained in a body. What is matter? Matter is a substance occupies  some space.What is a substance? So many questions asks themselves. They will easily understand this type of analysis members.
    So, observe  surroundings 
The great physicist Dr R.P.Feynman has given a wonderful description of what is "understanding the nature". Suppose we don't  the rules of chess but are allowed to watch the moves of the players. If we watch the game for a long  time, we may make out some of the rules. With the knowledge of these rules we may try to understand why a player played a particular move. However, this may be a very difficult task. Even if we know all the rules of chess, it is not so simple to understand all the complications of a game in a given situation and predict the correct move. Knowing the basic rules is however the minimum requirement if any progress is to be made.
One main guess at a wrong rule by partially watching the game. The experienced player may make use of rule for the first time and the observer of the game may get surprised. Because of the new move some of the rules guessed at may prove to be wrong and the observer will frame new rules. 
physics goes the same way. The nature around us is like a big chess game played by nature. The events in the nature are like the move of the great game. We are allowed to watch the events of nature and guess at the basic rules according to which the events take place. We may come across new events which do not follow the rules guessed earlier and we may have to declare the old rules in applicable for wrong and Discover new rules. 
What is physics?
               We have been observing nature for last 24,000years ago. That time we don't  know about nature anything. They was thinking about food only. After a long time we developed way of observation. They was always living with nature, in this situation observing every phenomena of surroundings (examples: Rains, Lightning, Thunder storm,  Seasons, Earthquake, Rainbow and Light is coming from sun etc.). Now we are observing  scientifically and following  scientific methods. In this process we learn about nature.     
Solar system

        The study of nature is called Science. It has so many branches, we divided based on study of parts  of the nature. The study of plants, animals, light, universe and moving of planets etc. Physics is study of physical phenomena of nature,  but we study about that phenomena microscopic and macroscopic level. Physics is king of science. We are observing so many things in nature internally and physically. Now here physically only i will explain. We are walking one place to another place, how is it possible? Vehicles are moving one place to another place. It hasn't fuel, it can't move and has fuel. It can move, what is happening here? If you throw a ball vertically upward, the ball come again back to earth.why? You can see objects with help of light and generates electricity with help of light. How is it possible? Light is coming  from sun is producing heat. How? The planets are revolving around the sun. The earth is revolving around  the sun and the moon is revolving around  the earth. What is reason? You can listen another voice with help of air. How is it possible? Electricity  flows one place to another place through conductor's. Electricity cannot flows through insulator. Why? We are using communication network with help of satellite. How is it work? This type of phenomenas study in physics. 


Thank you sir for giving these valuable information to us. This type of simplest and easily understood explanation we need to our children too.
We requesting much detailed information in different areas like Nuclear reactions, Astronomy, child physics ,Electronics and electrical etc,.
Finally if there any possible provide information about comparison between Physics
& other subjects.

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